Business Africa
Discover Wakalat, a chocolate made in Congo that tries despite the difficulties to establish itself on the local market.
Jean Maurice Ouakatoulou is a Congolese chocolate producer who started manufacturing Wakalat, the very first Congolese chocolate brand, in 2014. Currently produced in a single format, Wakalat is sold at $2.56 per jar.
As a result of self-financing, the company unfortunately still faces several problems, such as the tax on imported products and the scarcity of raw materials in the country.
Ethiopia: 30 million for women entrepreneurs
Support for women is a smart investment’‘, to quote Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank, on the occasion of the Africa Day in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The women of the Ethiopia Women Entrepreneurship Development Project, for example, received a 30 million Euro loan to strengthen their economic inclusion, create jobs and promote sustainable growth.
Maria Shaw- Barragan, Director of the European Investment Bank, in charge of lending operations outside Europe talks about the loan.
Paris' Salon du Chocolat opens its doors
Ivory Coast: Rising cocoa farmgate price fails to convince
Companies are crafting new ways to grow cocoa, and chocolate alternatives
Cameroon: chocolate-makers squeezed by high cocoa prices
Ivory Coast to increase official farmgate cocoa price
Chocolate factory pumps out stock at frantic pace to meet the Easter weekend demand