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China's Xi reaffirms strong partnership with Russia in talks with Putin

Chinese President Xi Jinping, right, and Russian President Vladimir Putin exchange documents after a signing ceremony during their meeting in Beijing, China, on Thursday, May   -  
Copyright © africanews
Sergei Bobylev/Sputnik


**In a high-profile meeting in Beijing on Thursday, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin underscored the robust and growing partnership between their countries. The talks took place following a grand military welcome ceremony at the Great Hall of the People, celebrating the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Russia.

President Xi emphasized the importance of stable China-Russia relations, highlighting their significance not only for the fundamental interests of both nations but also for regional and global peace, stability, and prosperity. "We will constantly consolidate the friendship between the two peoples for generations, jointly achieve the development and revitalization of each country, and work together to maintain world fairness and justice," Xi stated.

President Putin echoed these sentiments, lauding the strong bilateral ties and mutual objectives of national development and prosperity. He pointed out that the decision to conduct bilateral payments in national currencies—rubles and yuan—has significantly boosted trade between the two countries. "Today, 90% of all payments are made in rubles and yuan," Putin noted, describing this shift as a powerful impetus for expanding trade flows.

Putin also highlighted the portfolio of 80 large joint investment projects spanning various sectors, showcasing the depth of economic cooperation between China and Russia. Despite external pressures from third countries, the two leaders reaffirmed their commitment to a "no limits" relationship, a pact initially signed in 2022 just before Russia's military operation in Ukraine.

China maintains a stance of neutrality regarding the conflict in Ukraine but has supported Russia's position that it was provoked by Western actions. The ongoing collaboration between China and Russia continues to be a pivotal factor in their international strategies and regional influence.

In congratulating Putin on his election to a fifth term, Xi reiterated the enduring friendship and partnership between the two nations, which he described as "good neighbors, good friends, good partners." This meeting underscored the leaders' shared vision for their countries' futures and their united front in the face of global challenges.

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