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Lupita Nyong'o and Joseph Quinn Open Up About Their Feline Co-Stars in 'A Quiet Place: Day One'

Lupita Nyong'o poses for photographers at the photo call for the film 'A Quiet Place: Day One' on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 in London.   -  
Copyright © africanews
Vianney Le Caer/Invision

Horror film

Lupita Nyong'o and Joseph Quinn managed to avoid any cat-astrophic experiences with their feline co-stars in the horror prequel "A Quiet Place: Day One." Initially, neither actor was particularly fond of cats, but they emerged from the shoot with a newfound appreciation for their furry counterparts.

Nyong'o admitted her initial hesitation about joining the franchise, citing the pressure of stepping into a well-established series with a dedicated fanbase. However, the fact that "A Quiet Place: Day One" is a prequel with an entirely new cast helped her feel more at ease, offering a fresh start for both the actors and the audience.

"And I think that, for me, the hesitation was obviously when you're coming into a franchise that has already existed and already has a following there is an expectation that comes with that. That is a little unnerving," Nyong'o shared. "However, the fact that they were doing a prequel and that there was an entirely new cast, it lends itself to freshness, right? Because you kind of like take away what audiences might expect and you're starting afresh."

Nyong'o also revealed her fear of cats when she was first offered the role. Despite loving the character, the world, and the story, she was apprehensive about working with a cat. After discussing it with the director and realizing the cat was essential to the role, she underwent "cat therapy" to overcome her fear. By the time filming began, she was able to comfortably work with her feline co-star.

"Yeah, I actually didn't lie about it. I was afraid of cats when they offered me this role," Nyong'o confessed. "I read the script and I was like, 'I loved the character, I loved the world, I loved the story. But the cat.' I didn't want anything to do with the cat. And I had a word with the director. I begged him to change the animal, and he just so politely said 'it has to be a cat.' And so I had to get over my fear of cats and they helped. I got some cat therapy and by the time we started shooting, I was able to hold the cat and work with the cat."

On the other hand, Quinn’s relationship with cats was less fraught, making his experience smoother in comparison.

"A Quiet Place: Day One" is a prequel to the 2018 box office hit "A Quiet Place," which depicts a world invaded by aliens that hunt by sound. The new film explores the early days of the invasion, focusing on how people first learned to survive the deadly attack. Nyong'o plays Sam, a New Yorker on the run who finds new friends including Eric (Quinn), Reuben (Alex Wolff), and Henri (Djimon Hounsou).

Despite the initial challenges, Nyong'o and Quinn's experiences with their feline co-stars contributed to the dynamic and compelling narrative of "A Quiet Place: Day One.