Burkinabe leader visits country's main TV station after alleged attack

Burkina Faso coup leader Capt. Ibrahim Traore participates in a ceremony in Ouagadougou, Oct. 15, 2022.   -  
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Kilaye Bationo/Copyright 2020 The AP. All rights reserved.

The Burkina Faso military leader Ibrahim Traore visited the national television station in Ouagadougou Thursday to reassure the safety of the staff following a recent attack on their headquarters.

Last week, the Radiodiffusion-Télévision du Burkina (RTB ) headquarters was hit by projectiles, causing considerable damage.

Captain Traore’s visit was intended to assess the situation firsthand and provide moral support to the employees. Amidst ongoing reports of instability in the country, he sought to dispel any fears and bring clarity.

Addressing rumors that he had gone into hiding, Captain Traore firmly refuted these claims

"We do not flee, ever. We are soldiers, and that is the last thing that crosses your mind. We do not retreat, we do not surrender, and we do not kneel before anyone except our parents and God. That is our mentality," Traore refuted.

During a Q&A session with journalists, Captain Traore addressed the current situation in Burkina Faso, accusing some media outlets of spreading false information. His comments followed an attack in Mansila, which has reportedly caused unrest among the soldiers and rumors of a potential mutiny

"I think many have understood now; most are lying media. They spent time lying and manipulating, and today when I see their reports and everything they say, it's shameful. They have proven to all of Africa and the entire world that they are liars. It's good. I think the Burkinabe youth and the African youth must understand this," said Traore.

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