South Sudan: UN assesses security in community impacted by violence

UNMISS peacekeepers   -  
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A team of United Nations peacekeepers and local officials visited a community in South Sudan’s Western Equatoria State on Thursday to assess security.

The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) said there had been an influx of internally displaced people to the area.

It said they had fled the recent "outburst of intercommunal violence" in neighbouring Tambura county.

"We ran into the bush then started moving, after a while we reached Nadiangere,” said Eunice Philimona, who was one of those displaced by the fighting.

“There is no food for us at all, I’m now very tired. There is no way to be taken to the hospital, no access to communication, or ways to talk with my sibling, who remained behind.”

The arrival of the displaced people has further stretched limited resources in Nadiangere, with residents saying they lack services such as education, health, and security facilities.

UNMISS has financed the construction of a primary school in the area and peacekeepers have been conducting patrols and working closely with humanitarian partners to assist people across the state.

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