Kenyan lawmakers approve army deployment amid ongoing protests

Kenyan riot police arrest a man during a protest over proposed tax hikes in a finance bill in downtown Nairobi, Kenya Tuesday, June. 25, 2024   -  
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Brian Inganga/Copyright 2023 The AP. All rights reserved

Kenya’s National Assembly has formally approved the deployment of soldiers in support of police as the country faces nationwide protests against controversial tax hikes.

The vote on Wednesday took place as protesters vowed to continue demonstrations, with plans to take to the street again on Thursday.

However, at least one local newspaper is reporting that the Law Society of Kenya plans to go to court over the decision.

It is reportedly arguing that no emergency, unrest, or instability has been officially declared to warrant the deployment of the Kenya Defence Forces.

President William Ruto has defended the tax increases in a finance bill passed by lawmakers on Tuesday, saying the country needs to reduce its reliance on borrowing and service its massive debt.

Protesters say the tax hikes laid out in the bill will raise the cost of living for people already struggling to make ends meet.

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